
  • What social barriers?
  • Practice what God commands and teaches
  • Intentional relationships that grow people spiritually with God and with each other (it’s not about growing the "hangout" ministry)

Mission Statement

The primary goal of Hangout is to connect with others, as God connects with us. It is our hope to bring His presence to those that need Him: through loving fellowship as Jesus had done when He physically walked the earth (Mark 2:15). We create time and space that is inviting and safe for all to be heard and understood; to be friends with one another in a respectful casual come-as-you-are posture and care towards one another and atmosphere.

About Us

We are a group of people who love Jesus and our intent is to follow Him with all of who we are, and who He made us to be. The ministry began with the most honorable and highest of intentions to bring healing to the world, as Jesus first had done (Luke 9:6). Since that first Hangout in 2009, there has been a regular gathering once a month to hang out with anyone interested in having fellowship together. Going through this process has led us to meet a variety of different people in varying stages of life - some brief and some long-lasting - that continue today, but all impactful nonetheless.

Our goal is to be open-handed, to co-create the ministry with those that we meet in seeking God. Throughout the years, there have been many challenges, humbling moments, and lessons that we continue to draw from. In moving forward, the ministry continues to be adjusted and fine tuned for the sake of everyone who participates.

Practically speaking: People are not our projects: we do not hang out to fix people. People of all cultures, color, and creed are created, wonderfully made, and all loved by our almighty God (Galatians 3:28).

Faithfully speaking: We long to see healing and growth in everyone's lives, and we are dedicated (to the best of our abilities along with limitations) to be there and available to anyone who seeks (Psalm 147:3).

Hangout is nothing new and different, it is simply guidelines for intentional ministry (Great Commission) and discipleship.